I vow to love you and no matter what challenges might carry us apart we will always find a way back to each other.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'll Hold My Breath

Guess everything's about time... it all needs time. 

"Is it naive to make plans, that seem, so far away.." - Sleeping With Sirens 

I mean I guess so right? Considering you don't even know how the future will come out to be... hell we don't even know how the next second of our life will be sometimes. 

The time of the future will always be so unpredictable. No matter how much you "know" what will happen you really don't know what the outcomes may be. 

Still... maybe it's not so much as naive to be making plans for the future. Obviously most people, since their young in school, want to be able to go to college and make a living; but to live it to the fullest extend and be... happy. What else are you suppose to do when you're young that way and watch all those movies of people going off to college and living on their own having a grand ole' time... till reality really hits of course. 

The time between now and the rest of my life is a long ways away... the time I even get to be with the one I plan on spending this time with is a long ways away.. 

Things could change... people always change.. why it can't all just stay the same? Because thats life. 

Plan for the future but don't live in it cause its completely unpredictable... not saying it would be a very good thing if this happened but you could possibly be dead by this time tomorrow. Then again.. you could also hit the lottery and become richer than Bill Gates. (yah.. no) 

It all needs time... just live it. 

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